Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of undifferentiated and multi-system diseases and their processes. It is derived from the German word ‘Innere Medizin’ meaning internal medicine. The doctors were known to be internal medicine doctors or internists because they focused on the “inner” diseases instead of the external manifestations of those diseases. It explores the underlying pathological causes of symptoms and syndromes with the help of laboratory and clinical assessment of bedside patients and emergency wards.
Due to the complex nature of illnesses and multisystem examinations, internists are highly trained in illnesses and disorders of all parts of the body.
They are expected to address undifferentiated presentations of complexities that cannot be classified within the expertise of single-organ specialists, for example, Dyspnoea, weight loss, change in a conscious state, etc.
They act as primary care physicians wherever required.
They are the first responding doctors for medical emergencies.