General Surgery

The Department of Laparoscopic, Bariatric and General Surgery at Shrimann Superspeciality are well equipped with the latest technology and infrastructure, supported by an experienced team of surgeons. At Shrimann, we are committed to provide each patient with the best in terms of quality and service. Our aim is to perform surgical procedures using minimal access techniques so that patients may enjoy a faster recovery and fewer post-surgical complications.
It is an important speciality of the hospital, providing professional and comprehensive services in surgical treatment for adults and children. Shrimann Super Speciality, with a team of leading doctors, surgeons, anaesthetics and nursing with high expertise and experience and modern Modular operating theatres, provides a wide range of surgical services from basic to complex operations.
Doctors at Surgery Department constantly learn, research and apply the most advanced surgical treatment in the world through intensive training programs in order to provide the best treatments for patients.